Gdetrailer wrote:
Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
The idea is to stop downward movement, not suspend in mid air.
Anyone saying trailer should be suspended in mid air?
Umm, YOU did.
And I quote from the first page of this thread..
Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
To prevent bouncing motion, you have to put enough tension buy raising the trailer on the jacks to the point that it is not resting totally on the tires.
Perhaps you just worded it a bit incorrectly but it sure sounds a lot like one is to lift the trailer using the jacks to the point of mid air.
"Not resting totally" can be easily interpreted as another way of saying taking all of the weight off the tires which means tires almost or not touching the ground.
Better way of saying this is using only enough jack pressure to stop the downward movement..
You want to leave weight on the axles, all you want to do is to take out the downward movement of the springs and flex of the tires so the frame can no longer drop or sag when walking about in the trailer.
Huge difference between the two ways of saying it.
Geez, ok then. And thank you for Engllish lessons.
Just don't let my college English professors know.. I might have to surrender my A+ grades to them, lol.