A brief update..... I had a call from an adjuster for the insurance company about mid morning. He was the adjuster for the homeowners policy, not the comprehensive on my motor vehicle policy. He was calling find out if the cleanup, etc was over my $1000 deductible. It was not as I did it myself. It appears, from my insurance agent, that the damage will be covered under the separate comprehensive policy I have on the camper. I have yet to hear from an adjuster on that. As a side note, I have read some threads on here about separate policies for TC's vs. having it covered under a motor vehicle policy. FYI, my agent told me that it would not have been covered under my homeowners policy because it is not considered "other structure"., and that because it was off the truck it wouldn't have been covered as "cargo" on my truck's policy. The only way for it to be covered sitting independently off the truck was under the separate policy I had specifically for the TC. The premium has only been $67.00 per year for the last three years so I would advise anyone to look into that when verifying coverage on their TC.
As for buy back - if the insurance company totals it.... I will have to check on that. I suspect they will want a little more that a couple of hundred dollars. I am possibly up for the challenge of rebuilding the roof but it sure is gut-wrenching to see it that way!!!!
I will post updates as I hear more from the insurance company. Also FYI.... My insurance company is Maine Mutual Insurance.....