Forum Discussion

standdup's avatar
Sep 09, 2018

Bigfoot 10.6 inside window fascia removal

Hi Everyone,

My camper is a 2002 model and the other day I broke the inside pane of the sliding window next to the dinette. I’m driving to the manufacturer of the Bigfoot windows in BC next week to get it replaced. However, they told me that I have to remove and replace the window myself because they’re not licensed to work on Rvs. They only make window.

Do any of you know how to remove the upholstered fascia thingy that surrounds three sides of the window? I don’t see any screws or clips on it.

  • On second thought, since you do not need to work on the blind, you can just unsrew the vallance and remove it intact with the blind still in it. If you take the blind out then you will have to undo string tensioners at the bottom of the valance and that is not necessary.
  • Pull the blind up and facing the window reach up and grasp top rail and twist it towards you. The rail is just held up there on clips. If you can’t get it twisted out then press your head against the glass and look up under valance with a flashlight to see clip edges on rail and use a flathead screwdriver to pry the clips open and rail will fall out. The vallance has the visible corrner brackets at the bottom srewed to the wall, and up under valance about 4 screws up into the overhead cabinet. Press your head against the window again with a flashlight and look for the screwheads. The scews will be on window side of the blind rail. You may have to feel for them with your fingertips. There will be one near each corner end that are harder to find. They will be Robertson head screws. (Square screwdriver)
  • Any tricks to removing the blinds? I’m on my way back to Alaska and don’t have time to have a dealer do it for me. Thanks for the advice.i
  • There are screws that go up into the overhead cabinet. IIRC you will need to remove the blind at the top, push to one side and then pull down on the other, it's a bit of a pain the first time until you see how it works then it's a piece of cake.