Forum Discussion

NCMODELA's avatar
Aug 25, 2023

Black Ants in outdoor kitchen

Hey all. I have some black ants in the outdoor kitchen compartment door. I see the stryofoam shavings they are bring out. Stated about 2 weeks ago. The normal traps are not getting them. Any good advice on how to get them out? I am not opposed to chemicals.

  • We had ants coming into our home, invading the kitchen and upstairs. I used some Terro liquid bait traps and they are gone and have not returned. I place them outside as well when they come near the foundation.
  • x2 on the Terro. I had an infestation this summer at my house and used the liquid bait stations. It does take a little time for them to find it and get enough back to the nest to kill it but it works.
  • yet another vote for the Terro Traps.... They work awesome ! ! You may actually see MORE after placing the traps, thats a good sign, means its working..
  • TXiceman wrote:
    I believe Ortho makes a spray called Home Defense. Might check the label.

    Have you tried the home remedy from borax and sugar as a paste, placed on paper squares.


    or use terro liquid ant bait. basically borax maybe with some sugar as well. Borax kills many ants and the track it back to the nest.

    Works fantastic on the small "sugar" ants we get in the spring. see a few, put out a bait trap, pretty quick they come out in force creating a congo line back to home, and few hours later all gone and dead.
  • I believe Ortho makes a spray called Home Defense. Might check the label.

    Have you tried the home remedy from borax and sugar as a paste, placed on paper squares.

  • Is there anything I can use inside to get the ones that are already there?
  • You may need to treat the area around the RV with a product like Spectracide (SP).

    If you can see mounds outside, use Orthene.