RedRocket204 wrote:
Watch this video, it is only 2:24 long and WILL have an impact on your trailer's cooling if you attempt to correct the problems. When I did mine, the air distribution increased by a lot. Hard to tell how much better the return is, but the cooling is substantially better now. Very easy for anyone to do, just a little time consuming to do it right.
youtube - All Seasons Mobile RV Repair. RV AC not cooling properly
Beat me to it. I actually inspected mine (before I had even seen the video) and was surprised at the poor sealing between the hot side and cold side. Used half a roll of duct tape sealing things up like they should be. This was over a year ago.
Inspected again this weekend while the unit was running (do not stick your hands way up in the return!). Just felt around for areas that had unusual cold air movement. Found several places where cold air was simply shooting into the return. Pulled out my trusty tape once again. Wish I had a wind speed anemometer so I could have checked the vent air flow to see the difference (if any) in vented air.
I also inspected the last duct on each end of the system. What I found was even though the duct was last, the ductwork extended to the end of the trailer on each side. In other words, dead headed the duct. So, I blocked off the end of the duct just past the vent. That made a significant difference in airflow on those last ducts, IMO. Granted, no official before and after measurements, but I definitely felt a difference.
Finally, somewhere on here is a post where a guy insulated his cover on the inside and did report a slight decrease in output air temps. IMO, insulation around the metal box would be more effective than the cover but who knows? It certainly can't hurt to keep the unit as cool as possible.