RoyB wrote:
Then when I got a new 2010 F150 truck it came with it's OEM built-in brake controller. My Ford OEM Brake Controller is tied into the ford computer system which monitors alot of things. One thing it does that I don't like is if your forward speed is less than 10MPH or so the brake pedal action for the brake controlled is not active. In other other words when sitting at a stop sign on a decline your trailer brake action is not functioning unless you hold the manual slide switch on with your hand.
I didn't know this. But I can't imagine it being an issue ... ?
I really like that it adjusts the brake force depending upon your speed, applies the trailer brakes when it detects sway, and does something (not sure what) when the truck's ABS is activated. And it doesn't need an inertial controller, as it knows how much braking is going on directly from the truck's computer.