This truck empty will be 9-10k lbs, add the camper to this and what ever you think you will carry (people, animals, water, gear, supplies) and you see this was close to 16k lbs GVW. The AAM axle is rated for around 11k lbs before it is derated for this Ram, so you know it was close to maximum too even if within tire and rim limits. The fact the owner only used brochure weights and had no actual weighings to know real-world travel weight leaves us guessing and leaves him with the bill to correct this.
The question still remains whether the truck frame was modified with welding or drilling prior to failure. We know it was welded post failure to get back to the US which most likely compromised it even more from the emergency repair in Mexico. There have been questions about getting the frame repaired rather than replaced, so this may be the reason.
My Host, like the Eagle Cap, have the fresh water tank forward of the axle to help CG. My camper is actually tail heavy without water due to the dual 30# LPG tanks, stairs and generator in the wings while also supporting a rear slide out section.
The question has come up many times why people choose such large truck campers rather than a motor home. The answers have been repeated multiple times in this forum section, so there is no need to get sideways on this failure thread.