Apr-16-2019 07:35 AM
Apr-19-2019 10:03 AM
Apr-19-2019 08:47 AM
Lynnmor wrote:Stock OEM spring rating on our TT model is 3500 lbs. The factory put 5200 lb springs on in place of 3500. Also have shocks and wet bolt kit on it. It bounces a LOT less and handling is better. No issues after 5 years and over 20K miles. No downside that I can see.solismaris wrote:
Would there be a problem installing springs rated for 5000 or even 6000#? The shop is willing to do that if I want.
A much higher spring rate than required will cause a much harder ride. Since you are getting it weighed, you will know the minimum spring rate needed and then go higher using your best judgement in just how stiff is acceptable. Going to nearly double would be way too much.
Apr-19-2019 08:17 AM
Apr-19-2019 08:07 AM
Apr-19-2019 08:02 AM
solismaris wrote:
My 2005 Prowler trailer has just had its third case of broken leaf springs. The first occured just 2 years after purchase, and the second 5 years after that. That set lasted a while longer: 7 years; maybe because I took it to a specialty shop and had them put on "extra heavy duty" springs".
Not good enough. Why do they keep breaking? I inspected the damage: The leaf just broke in half close to where it attaches to the frame. The metal doesn't appear to be corroded badly: surface rust but the inside metal looks shiny.
The design seems strange: Though there are several layers of leaves through the center (4 I think) it diminishes to a single leaf at the attachment. That seems like a weak spot. And indeed that's where the break occurred all three times. Is that a normal design?
I'd love to find a fix for this. I know it's an old trailer but is 2-7 years really the longest I can expect before a failure? This is the worst kind of breakdown because it comes without warning and can cause major problems if it happens far from home. Amazingly, the last failure happened 100 feet from my driveway! So all I lost was 4 days camping reservations 😞
Trailer GVW is 8000 pounds and I do not have it heavily loaded with gear or supplies.
Apr-19-2019 07:53 AM
trailer_newbe wrote:
Is it always breaking the same spring on the same side?
Apr-19-2019 07:41 AM
Apr-19-2019 05:54 AM
Apr-19-2019 05:10 AM
solismaris wrote:
Would there be a problem installing springs rated for 5000 or even 6000#? The shop is willing to do that if I want.
Apr-19-2019 05:00 AM
Apr-19-2019 04:27 AM
Apr-18-2019 10:38 PM
CavemanCharlie wrote:
My TT is 26 years old and has not broken any springs yet.
Apr-18-2019 04:42 PM
Apr-16-2019 10:02 PM
Apr-16-2019 06:49 PM
Is a 'center equalizer' flipped.....look same as other