When we was looking for a trailer with hard sides back in 2010 I came up with this idea on what to do with a bunk bed area for this JAYCO X213 model... My idea was to make a OFFICE/COMPUTER/HAM RADIO room in the bunk room area which we really didn't have a need for since there is only two of us using the trailer.
The BUNK BED area is up front on this model...

The top bunk bed shown here would also be removed. As you can see a pretty large area can be made available

The idea was to remove the lower and upper beds and make a 24-inch deep storage area just inside the so-called bicycle door by installing a wall across the bunk room.
The new floor plan would look something like this shown in dark blue.

The OFFICE AREA would consist of one of these L-SHAPED DESK with hutch combos available from Office Depot. The L-side would have to be cut down to fit the depth of the room.

The L-side of the desk setup would house my two 24-inch computer monitors, docking station, and DELL M90 LAPTOP computer. Just snap the portable computer in place and all is active. The hutch area would house all of my Ham radio items. The long 12-depth cabinet that run across the front wall of the bunk room would house all of the Inverters/switches/battery functions etc. Office printer would under the desk tops. All items mounted will have VELCRO strap down installed feature to keep from boucning around when in travel mode.
I Still get a small 22-inch storage room just inside the outside doorway. The clothes ward also has a small outside door which opens up behind the clothes ward as well.
I would use a draw curtain to hide the roll around office chair when not is use.
Looked like a very workable plan for the two of us to have a good office area with full internet access using the Verizon MIFI or the Millenicom Net if more data is needed and be able to still work my Ham Radio items as well...
As it turned out we are still running the roads with the OFF-RoAD POPUP
Just sending along showing what might be done with alittle of thinking effort...
Roy ken