The door sticker payload number for every truck I've owned, asdumi g I get to a scale before adding post factory options, has been with in a scale unit wieght of that number. Ie 20 lbs.
Per a former GM empkiyee, his option list wieght figures had to be with in 10 lbs iirc if what it really was at the end when on a scale.
Now brochure wieghts.....those are stripped rigs, unless they point out how said rig pictured is optioned. Which might be, usually less than bare max weight.
My C2509 in sig is within 60 lbs iirc of base brochure wieghts. I do have an auto vs stick, hitch, trim rings and cloth vs vinyl seat. It wieghs around 4800 lbs. It normally sits at around 5300 with a steel rack, mesh sides, Line-X Berliner and other after market gear in cab, ie fire extinguisher, first aid kit etc.
That payload figure is using manufactured warranty gross wieght figure. Not legal payload figure. Going with what is legal per an leo/cveo......that gets really fun to figure out. Other than my legal max payload for C2500 is 600 lbs less than warranty figure, as my paid for tonnage is 8000 lbs. Not the next higher I can buy of 10,000 lbs. I would be legal to that number. 1409 lbs more than door sticker too.
More than one way to figure out payload at the end of the day.