Forum Discussion

NVR2L82AV8's avatar
Jun 07, 2016

Camping on OR58 to OR97 South past K Falls to CA139 to Reno

I've got a good three day break for camping coming up in August during a trip heading South from Portland, OR to Reno, NV. Going to take the "5" to Eugene then dart SW on OR 58 and come on down.

Clickable Route (EUG-RNO)

I was looking for some good dry camping spots or campgrounds but prefer spots near rivers/creeks and definitely with altitude (cooler) this time of year. I think the first night I am going to stay at Salmon Creek Falls Campground about 6 miles off of OR58 (1st come 1st serve). Looks like a great Creek location.

Salmon Creek Falls
If any of you have some sites you prefer to stay please share. Thanks!!
  • I'd recommend overnighting at one of the three campgrounds on the east shore of Waldo Lake if you can swing it. It's a beautiful area and only about 10 miles off of Hwy. 58 and 35 miles outside of Oakridge.

    We spend a week up there every August, and will be there the week of the 15th this year. The scenery is amazing, it's totally quiet (thanks to no motors allowed on the lake and being well away from Hwy 58 traffic and train noise), and there's a lot of hiking, kayaking, and mountain biking available. We usually stay at the Shadow Bay campground, as it has some more tree cover and is generally cooler, but the two north campgrounds are nice, too.
  • Salmon Cr CG will be a nice quiet stop.

    It's been a long time since I pulled into the campground. I think #11 is one of the closes campsite to the falls.

    Down in Ca. is Willow Creek Campground on 139 and Lower Rush Creek Campground about 10 miles from Canby, CA on 139 also.

    I think both are free.