To the OP, no one is suggestion that you have the ultimate tow vehicle. But rather, it's adequate.
The person who brought up all the other dangers on the road and that a nice new pickemup towing around its rated capacity with a conscientious driver being far less of a worry is spot on.
Some people live their lives afraid to leave the safety of their own house (not quite literally) and others actually experience or gain experience that males them more confident.
OP, you pulled it home didn't ya? Was it white knuckle, bumper draggin, trailer swayin terror, or did you just drive carefully, watch your mirrors and beam with pride at your new setup in the mirrors? Betting the latter, unless you actually are apprehensive about pulling it off the lot.
Besides all the rv geezers tow at 50-60 mph anyway so you can smell the roses and brag about your unrealistic fuel mileage, don't they?
I'd tow the OPs trailer at 55 mph with my 20 year old Tahoe!