bikendan wrote:
Tvov wrote:
Can you tow it? Yes.... Should you tow it? That is where the arguing comes in...
A lot of perspectives come from those who are very experienced towers. Yet they'll advise a newbie, "Just get out and tow it!".
Towing advice should take into account, the person's towing experience. If they are new, being cautious is warranted. If they're an old hand at towing, then less cautiousness is needed.
Yes, experience matters, operator ability, operator confidence, all important. That's why I mentioned that towing a large trailer may not be comfortable for some, even when all weights easily fit the TV capability. No beginner should start out towing a 35' trailer uphill/downhill in heavy traffic, but at some point, we were all beginners, that gained experience/confidence, by just doing it.
A new, or late model truck will work harder than the manufacturers warranty GCWR number implies. No, not for 200K miles, but the average owner does not keep them that long. I have seen a lot of way over loaded newer trucks hauling, but never noticed any broken sitting on the side of the road.
I would tell the OP to buy a 2500, if he was truck shopping, but he already has the new 1500, and the new trailer. He likely towed the trailer home with his truck. If it was a white knuckle experience, it probably was not the fault of the truck, but maybe too much trailer for a beginner.