Forum Discussion

geekyguru's avatar
Oct 05, 2013

car scale

Yall may know i have been worried about my payload, and recieved a ton of info from the folks here. Long story short i stopped at a flying J and did two different weigh ins on my way to drop tt off for warranty work.
I had no idea what to do, so i had them weigh my truck and tt. Tt was fully loaded with all my crap. This did not include my food. (Beer in shower!)
Toal gw was 11400 lbs.
After dropping tt off, I went back and weighed truck with myself/hitch still on.
Truck =5860.
My wife and kid weigh 200.(they werent in the weigh in)
I travel with zero in the bed of the truck.

Am I to assume that my tt fully loaded is only 5540lbs??

What other info am I missing? I simply wanted peace of mind im under payload. My payload is 1180 lbs.
  • If GVWR is 6800 and the scales said 5860 you have 940lbs left for payload, you said you removed trailer but also that hitch still on, if trailer still attached but not on scale you can load op another 940lbs, if only hitch on truck you still have to weigh trailer wheals only on scale and deduct from your 11400lbs GV this will give TV weight now subtract this from your GVWR and you have available payload.
  • Even though your figures are not ideal... They are enough for me to say that your combo is definenatly capable, and unless something is unusual in the weights, probably OK to tow.

    SO yes, get a better weigh, but don't stress over it, as if it's not right, it is in the fixable range with your present truck.
  • Honestly.. Based on the info i think i am safe. However... I am like most consumers and rushed to buy a new truck without understanding payload. To the average fella- ads stating you can tow 11k lbs means something.
    This bull**** payload is a load of crap-. Im so friggin pissed. I think im gonna get a bus rv . who knows. Why even advertise towing capacity if there is no payload to support it. W/e.
  • geekyguru, the best way to do the scales is to make the three passes across them. Truck alone, truck with trailer, WD bars disengaged, then third pass is truck with trailer and WD bars engaged. That gives you most of what you want to know.
  • Your real payload is the GVWR minus the Actual Weight. Forget about the "payload rating" from the web site or brochure, it's for comparison shopping and marketing purposes only.
  • It says the drive axle is 6360
    Trailer axle 4880.
    The woman said she didnt know if i was aligned properly.
    I need to figure out for next time i guess
  • Did you get the individual axle weights? Otherwise I'm afraid you didn't really learn anything about your payload. But yes, the total trailer weight is 5540#.
  • HappyKayakers wrote:
    What does the GVWR sticker on your truck say?