Forum Discussion

Dr__Feelgood's avatar
Aug 29, 2016

Charging battery off Yamaha generator ?

I just bought yamaha 2000isV2 generator. It states in the manual if charging a 12 volt battery through the 12 V mode, you should turn off the economy mode,which I guess means the generator is running max.It puts out 8 amps. Would I be better off just plugging the generator 110V into shore power with 15 amp adapter?For now I just have the charger converter that came with the 2008 Pastime Camper( I intend to upgrade in the future)
  • If you want a fast, safe and efficient charge get this external terminal from Summit Racing, start your jenny and plug in a smart stand alone charger like a Schumacher.
  • The "12v" output isn't very well regulated either (that's why they advise to turn eco off).

    Count me as another vote for letting the TC's converter handle the charging.
  • Dr. Feelgood wrote:
    Would I be better off just plugging the generator 110V into shore power with 15 amp adapter?

    Yes, that will be a better way of charging, and consume less generator fuel.
  • You are definitely better off using the camper's converter to charge batteries.

    8 Amps is better than nothing in a pinch, the converter in most campers can charge much faster than that.

    At 8 Amps, a 105Ah battery would take about 7 hours to charge from a half-discharged state. A good converter would to top it off in 2-3 hours.
  • Probably so. You'd also get the benefit of a better charging system assuming the Pastime has a pretty good charger and have the benefit of using other AC appliances if desired.