My 2010 F150 is pulling my 4200lb Loaded down OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer with large tires...
I can definitely say my F150 does not know it is back there. I get roughly the same gas mileage whether I am pulling my trailer or not. The truck has sway control features which helps as well I suppose...
I even elected to not use the WDH hitch for this setup... Saw no difference in using one or not using one...
I also know that I DO NOT have any wind load since this is a POPUP trailer so this is probably the real big reason it tows like it does...
It tows flawlessly even on the US82 section of 2 and 4 lanes roadway between Greenville MS and Crossett AR where the Georgia Pacific Wood Plant is located. The loaded down very large truck trailers hauling the many logs stacked up to the maximum height going 70MPH down the US82 road sure carries a hugh WIND WAKE. Usually the last thing you see is the truck driver with a big smile on his face and after that passes it is 'Katie Bar The Door' holding on for dear life haha...
Roy Ken