OP, I would look at the OD RV 21RVS. I only suggest this because it has a bigger shower and a 60x80 queen bed.
As far as auto leveling goes. I would call the company and ask. The truth is I had a 2004 Arctic Fox 22H, made by the same family, and took it from Wisconsin to Alaska and then to Maine then back to Wisconsin in one year and never had a problem with it other than the poop valve started to drip. For one person & a dog it was a great TT. Why? Because you parked it and everything inside was ready to use without slides and you knew you would be comfortable, hot or cold outside.
I know one would have to take a trip west to get one. Well worth the time and effort.
Just a thought… If I were to go to a TT again. I would be looking for a heavy duty window van of some kind as a TV. A 4x4 if there is such a thing.