trail-explorer wrote:
This thread is turning in to another disaster
I see what you are doing :E
Now my 1500 lb from 5000 lb camper going to front axle is figure of speech, but let's get the math to work.
On new truck the rear axle is 48" behind the cabin. Lets's assume camper COG is at 48" as well.
Meaning on new truck with 160" wheel base the 5000lb camper weight will go all on rear axle.
Now on old camper special truck rear axle was 2/3 of 8' bed=64" behind the cabin. Camper COG is 16" in front of the axle.
So 16/160= 10% of camper weight goes to front axle.
That is simplify calculation as old truck was single cab only, so wheelbase was shorter than new monsters and than long TC have COG farther than 48" behind the cabin, so in real life the % is going to be bigger than calculated 10%.