Hannibal wrote:
transamz9 wrote:
The transmissions go because of heat build up because of lack of volume going through the cooler not from the torque. When was the last time you seen a diesel motors bottom end wear out with low miles on it because of friction? Ask me the same about a high revving gas motor.;) The high EGTs come from the amount of BTU's being put out per cycle and yes, if you use a longer lug wrench to move the lug nut at the same speed you going to tire much much quicker to do the same work in the same time frame.
I supposed the 5th gear nut problem with the NV4500 behind the Cummins was due to heat? No, it was due to the hammering torque of the Cummins. I had one.
I've never seen any engine wear out with low miles as long as it's properly maintained. It would do no good to ask you anything. You speculate based on emotion. No facts whatsoever.
Higher rpm will result in lower EGT. Those of you afraid to do the right thing with your engines will never know.
You've obviously never used a wrench.:S
Dude , I'm inside engines on a regular basis gas and diesel. I don't take many pictures of the jobs I do because that's not what I get paid to do. I get paid very well for the work I do and part of that job is to get the most out of the vehicles and equipment we own.
If you don't believe me about a diesel being the best at towing, pulling, and hard work then ask the heavy equipment manufactures or the semi manufactures or the farm equipment manufactures or the train engine manufactures or the military. If you want to haul the groceries or haul the mail in a light weight vehicle or mow the grass then the gas engine is great but diesel is even moving into those jobs too and do very well with it.
Just for giggles, here's a picture of the cylinder of a 2002 7.3 that I just put heads on. It has 280,000 miles on it in this picture and the only problem it was having was an injector cup developed a crack and was letting fuel into the coolant system. I use recycled oil for all our diesel trucks so you can't say it was the expensive oil I use. The truck is now back in daily service towing heavy trailers all over the state by guys that could care less if they blow it up or not.
Notice the factory honing........