mr_andyj wrote:
No joke. These are just the basics. I see people doing things so wrong on their first attempt.
Sometimes what seems right is the worst thing to do. Always seek advice from those who have traveled the road before you
There is no "right" or "wrong" when it come to custom building to your own liking even if the OP decided to use 2x4s.
OP has a blank canvas and they can choose what to do and what to use.
In the case of starting with a cargo trailer the OP is already starting out with a extremely heavy trailer when compared to the construction of a travel trailer frame and shell. Starting out heavy does not equal "better" either.
As an average a 7x16ft enclosed 7,000 lb GVWR cargo trailer has a starting empty weight of 2,200 lbs giving them 4,800 lbs of cargo to work with. That is a lot of dead weight to start with.
I did briefly look at cargo trailers to custom build on but due to the expense and weight I ruled that out. Better yet is to simply have a custom trailer frame built, then build you own box on top, far cheaper and far lighter.
7X16 is not very big to start with, typically only Lite weight trailers will be only 7ft wide, OP will need to fir in the walls to insulate taking space from the inside.. Moving from a 35ft 5vr to 7x16 is quite a large downsize change..
I ended up buying a junker for $700, stripped the outside siding, resided it, gutted interior and fully rebuilt it. Reusing a lot of the stuff that came with the trailer. All told only cost $5K for a rebuilt trailer custom designed to my liking.
I have no expectations of ever getting a dime above the scrap value of the frame (that is from prior experience of rehabbing a previous TT).
OP is looking at using the cargo trailer for a short time, then what?
Sell it?
Yeah, they would get more out of it as a cargo trailer than a converted RV.. In my area a used 4 yr old 7x16 cargo trailer easily fetches $5K-$7K.. Rv owners are total cheapskates and will not pay much for a rebuilt or custom on off trailer unless it was to the buyers specifications.
Cargo trailers also DO and CAN leak, folks think they do not, but they do.
If you are going to do a custom on off like this, you better either make it 100% reversible to a cargo trailer or plan to NEVER sell it. Otherwise the OP will take a major bath on all of that labor and materials.
OP isn't wanting it to be a "forever" trailer and plans to buy another 5vr..
Mine however IS a "forever" trailer, I have zero plans to buy another trailer, period.. They are money pits, just open wallet and insert $100 bills at a time down the toilet. The mistakes I made on my first rebuild, I did not make on my second one..
Personally, The OP is better off to sell the cargo trailer and take the proceeds from that sale and use for a down payment on their new 5vr..