Forum Discussion

Mr_Biggles's avatar
Dec 26, 2014

Converting to 2 x 6V batteries

Received 2 Trojan T-105 Plus's and a nice battery box for Christmas ! Do I need to change any electrical component in our TT when replacing the 12V battery ?
  • Short answer - no. Your TT is wired for 12V. It doesn't know, or care, if it's getting the 12V from one 12V battery or two 6V hooked in series.

  • Just make sure they are connected in series and not parallel.

  • I know this is obvious to most but don't want to assume anything. You will need a short cable to jumper from the negative on one to the positive on the other to make the series connection. The remaining terminals are the ones that go to the TT connections.
    Nice present by the way.
  • goducks10 wrote:
    Was it a surprise or were you shocked? :)

    Very funny ! ??

    I was shocked. ! Batteries were not expected, but I'm very happy !
    They are from my brother in law. He also has a very well equipped shop. Once the weather starts warming up, we are going to weld a bracket on to hold the box and wire everything up.

    We haven't boondocked before, except for a few odd weekends,and we ran out of battery power. This will open up more camping opportunities, especially for weekend trips.
  • Often forgotten is that a battery is composed of two or more cells wired negative to positive in series . You could get 12 volts by one 4 volt battery and one eight volt battery or six 'Cells or several weird combos . For years in the V.I. I ran ferry boats that were 24 volts which was achieved by three eight volt batteries .
  • I repost this reply from Trojan occasionally that I requested a few years ago when I installed m T-105's. I think it is good info and from the manufacturer. YMMV

    Trojan Battery Response

    Dear Ed:
    Thank you for submitting your question regarding Technical - Battery.
    Based on your comments below:
    I have been using your T105 batteries for years in my golf cart (Peachtree City, GA). Being a golf cart community the cart gets a lot of usage around town. I now have a 5th wheel trailer and installed two T105's in series vs the single 12v battery that it came with. All works great. My question has to do with degree of discharge. On the numerous RV forums the opinion seems to be that if you run a battery down to lower than 50% capacity, it destroys battery life. On my golf cart I, and many others in Peachtree City, run their carts down to the level they won't move. With my cart having six batteries I don't know what level this is, but it is obviously low. What is the official position of you, the manufacturer, on discharge level vs battery life/damage. I'm tired of listening to "experts" online that probably know less than I do. Thank you very much for your response.

    Below is Trojan Battery's response:

    We never want you to discharge your batteries below a 20% state of charge (80% depth of discharge). For a 36 volt system of batteries this would mean you never want to go below about 35 volts. The voltage of 34.9 volts is an open circuit voltage, which means the batteries would be at rest. For your 12 volt RV system, a 20% state of charge would be an open circuit voltage of 11.6 volts. Thanks.
    If you have additional comments or questions, please contact me at the information below.
    Stacey Delzeit
    Product Engineer
    Trojan Battery Company
  • Looking at the specs of 105 vs 105 plus it seems there is no diff? Same ratings for each.