Thermoguy wrote:
way2roll wrote:
free radical wrote:
PButler96 wrote:
The usual FUDsters are bored w life no doubt so come here to troll nonsense again :B
Tesla batts are guranteed for milion miles,how long is any truck or car powered w ICE good for ? :B :B
Check Reporterfy media travel chanel or Living in China to see what our media never tell you about that country.
Richard Augilar chanel is also good.
The New Atlas chanel and Jimmy Dore has good info on Ukr.
Rusia will win without a doubt.
Not sure where you get your information but according to Tesla's own website their batteries are guaranteed for 8 years or 100k miles.
I can't make sense of the rest of your post.
I'm not sure what Tesla website you read, but the one I read said 300,000 miles with about 15% degradation to the battery, not necessarily needing replacing, but not having the same capacity as a new battery. I have read a typical Hybrid gets about 8 years to a battery but never heard a mileage statement with that.
Here's Tesla's warranty link:
Tesla warranty