I ran 8 gauge wires from the battery to a junction box under the bed, then 10 guage wire from the solar panel goes to that junction (thru a controller), and a 12 gauge wire goes to a 12 volt outlet by the bed for the cpap. I also plug in a 400 watt portable inverter into that 12 volt outlet when I want to run or charge my laptop, electric razor & cellphone. The smaller wires that feed the 12 volt outlet by the TV don't seem to provide enough juice to run the 400 watt inverter without chatter.
When boondocking, I don't use the humidifier on the cpap, and using it only on 12volt, it will only take my two 6 volt Trojan batteries down about 1/10 to 2/10 of a volt after a full nite of use + water pump use + LED lites on for 4 hrs. It would probably take another 2/10 of a volt drop if I used the humidifier, though I haven't tried that.