For what it is worth, we bought a used Cruiser trailer, used it heavily for seven years, and then bought a new Cruiser trailer and have used it even more heavily (90 nights a year, 10,000 miles a year) for six more years. We took both trailers off road (or at least off pavement) a lot -- rocks, ruts, rough stuff. No problems. So yes, Cruiser does make good trailers.
Having said that, any manufacturer can turn out a lemon now and then. A person whose judgment I trust (he's an active forum participant who goes by Travels with Yoly) had a bad Cruiser trailer and had to get rid of it. And although most people have had good experience with Cruiser's warranty department, not everyone has.
I would bet that Cruiser's engineering, quality control and warranty performance are about at the industry standard -- maybe a touch above. The most important thing is to buy from a dealer who is not too far away and who has gotten good reviews. Many folks say that a careful inspection is very important, and it is; but with any trailer, there can be glitches that don't show up right away. So you really want a dealer who will stand behind the product.