Hi again Dave,
Just to say publicly that Irene and I bought our Phoenix Cruiser (special ordered for us) brand new in 2007. That is coming up on 12 years now. It has been a real joy to have our rig all these years.....and we are just getting started.
I am active on the Phoenix Cruiser forum
HERE where owners share a lot about their PC experience. As with any motor home, not every unit is 100% perfect, nor does it stay that way. There is the occasional disappointment. But defects are few and are far most often related to supplier parts and appliances. Regarding the house itself, complaints over the design, materials, and workmanship is almost unheard of.
Aside from that, it's the company behind the product that sets it apart from the pack. They don't just direct you to their suppliers. Throughout the warranty period and even beyond, they assist you through things gone wrong. If they are not able to help directly, they get you connected to the right people for real solutions. Even today, us owners of older PCs get excellent customer service.
Don't get hung up that Phoenix does not have local representation where you live because they are so much better than local representation. They have your back, not the shop's back.
The company was sold about 1.5 years ago from a single private owner (and founder) to two private owners who are just as entrenched in the company as the original owner was. The company transitioned well considering the challenges and changes during a company hand-over. The few bumps in that road have since been smoothed out extremely well. FWIW, I have endorsed the company since June 2007 to this very day.
Like everything else in life, there is no guarantee that you will have a perfect experience owning a new to a well used Phoenix Cruiser. But you have a dang good chance of having a great one.