Economically, sure it would probably make sense to drive a 40 mpg tin can and save the environment and all... ;)
But, I've been driving an F150 since 2001 and just can't deal with sitting in a little car for my commute where I spend hours in and be happy.. It's a 36 mile round trip and in rush hour traffic is at least 40 minutes each way on a good day.... :(
If I wanted to save money, I wouldn't even have a truck to haul around a heavy brick around and spend more money on just to get out of doing chores around the house for a long weekend.. :)
Life is short and for me I'm going to live it driving what I want and the $$ be damned! :)
With no kids and just my wife and I to deal with, this makes the most sense to me... :)
Everyone is going to have their own priorities and that's great.. This is a great thread to comment on for all sides and opinions too! :)