spoon059 wrote:
Me Again wrote:
Again, if the coils are so effective at a good ride and load carrying why did RAM not use it on the 3500 SRW.
I have an answer that would apply for many. Lets see if you can come up with the same answer?
I'm not advocating one side or the other here, just throwing this out there for you to consider Chris... Ram could EASILY make a coil spring that could hold that additional 500 lbs if they wanted too. Isn't it *possible* that Ram figured that there is a large segment of 1 ton truck buyers that simply wouldn't buy a 1 ton truck with coil springs simply because their last truck didn't have coil springs. Therefore, even though they could make coil springs rated to 7000 lbs, a decent segment of their market wouldn't buy it because they resist change?
Also, can someone educate me on the difference in suspension between the SRW and DRW 3500 trucks? I am not an expert and didn't spend much time looking under DRW trucks... but it appeared to me that the 3500 frame is identical between SRW and DRW, to include the suspension mounts. If that is the case (again, I'm not sure), then it would make economic sense to keep leaf springs on the SRW 3500 as well, so as to not have an additional frame.
Again... not taking sides, just throwing out suggestions.
Now, back off topic...
You have the winning answer. People would not buy a 3500 SRW with coils. Leaf are easy to add an additional one for DRW trucks. RAM has gone back and forth a lot on the leaf spring difference between the 2500 and 3500 SRW, and could easily switch the 2500 back to leaf in an upcoming model year.
Early 3500 SRW got additional overload leafs, I saw a few years ago before the coils that 2500 had more thin leafs than the 3500 SRW thicker leafs.
The new 2500 5th wheel pucks mount different also.
Then there is the warranty issue. What would RAM say if they new someone was running at 11,700 pounds on their SB 2500 or 12,300 on their LB 2500?
The question is not so much what you do if you already have a 2500, it is more like when buying a new truck, one should seriously look at the 3500 SRW if they are going to be over 10K on the truck, which is very easy to do. After towing for years with a 2500 at a ton over GVWR I did not look at or test drive one 2500 when we bought the 2015.
Also you then can get the Aisin tranny and more power.