I built my first cabover TC and hauled it on my daily driver for 32 years...the appliances were terriably expensive... we had kids, house payments etc.
We could afford what we had... and used it. I drove the truck and homemade camper to college every day (full time student)... studied or napped between classes... and then on to work, I worked from 4 pm 'till midnight in a chemical plant (pipefitter) and had lots of compulsary overtime.
That camper had more than 60 nights in Fort Wilderness alone... kids choice. We ranged from the Florida beaches and Key West, north to Canada and west to the Mississippi River...
We never counted... just go, go, go as much as possible.
And yes...
I imagine that I could get a pretty penny if I needed to sell my current truck and camper even now. I have maintained them well.
I seriously doubt that I ever will... it looks too good in the carport :B