Forum Discussion

oil8390's avatar
May 06, 2019


Hey guys,
I need to De - winterize my new trailer I am just not too sure how to do it properly. Any suggestions on how to do it properly? A step by step how to would be awesome.

  • clean your water tank and then run fresh water through all your lines. That's it. When its not pink they are clear.

    If the lines were blown out with air, you are all set. Nothing to do.
  • this is what I do.
    1. Fill the fresh water tank and start the pump
    2. Open the tap furthest from the pump, both hot and cold and flush till I see water,
    3. continue flushing at taps.
    4. open the low point drains and flush.
    5. then connect to city water and do the same
    6. Flush the hot water bypass and flush through the hot water tank with the drain out
    7. Now to sanitize.
    8. Fill fresh water and add bleach
    9. Fill hot water tank
    10. Flush till I smell bleach at every faucet.
    11.. Let sit over night, then drain water tank, refil, and start flushing all over again.
    12.. All above is done with the grey water tank valve open.
  • In 30 years of camping with three different trailers all I have ever done is wait till I am at our first camp site then:
    1. make sure the plug is in the hot water tank, and make sure the low point drains are closed
    2 Make sure the water heater by pass valves are NOT in the by pass position and make sure the water heater is turned off
    3 Close all the faucets except leave the hot water one at the kitchen sink open
    4 Attach a hose and turn it on. it will take a few minutes to fill the tank and then then it will flush any pink stuff out of the line to that faucet.
    5 When the water runs out clear, shut that faucet off and open each other hot water faucet one at a time (including the shower)
    6 After each one has run clear, do the same with the cold water ones and lastly flush the toilet.

    We don't boon dock and don't use the water pump. If you do just do the above by putting water in your fresh water tank and use the pump

  • 1. Go inside and open all faucets.
    2. Go outside and open low point drains to get as much of the pink stuff as possible to drain out. Close low point drains.
    3. As others have said, bleach. Hook up every hose you intend to use this year to your tank fill port (could be gravity or a hose connection) and pour bleach into the hose furthest from the camper. Now hook the hose up and fill the tank. This way everything gets some bleach to kill the bad stuff.
    4. Pump bleach water through system to get the pink stuff cleaned out.
    5. Turn off the pump. Close/open (depends how you look at it) the bypass for the water heater. Turn on pump to give a short flush of the water heater. Turn off pump and put plug in water heater. Turn on pump and open a hot water valve/faucet to fill the water heater with bleach water.
    6. Let sit overnight. Next day. Repeat numbers 1 & 2 plus drain your holding tank and water heater.
    7. When ready, fill with fresh water and enjoy.