Jan-09-2019 06:30 AM
Jan-11-2019 06:53 PM
Jan-11-2019 06:25 AM
Jan-10-2019 07:51 PM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
As a friend would tell me “prove it”. I will later today.
If I doubt someone I will look it up before commenting instead of saying “ I don’t think”
DODGE is DEAD that is a Legal Fact as far as trucks are concerned.
Jan-10-2019 07:43 PM
seminole39 wrote:
No I do not. The DEF tank and all related components fell off my 14 3500 and have yet to be found.
Jan-10-2019 11:09 AM
Jan-10-2019 06:07 AM
Jan-10-2019 03:59 AM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Traveling I mainly use the truck Stops and do fill my "RAM" with dEF at them. Otherwise I pick up PEAK DEF at The WallaCost.
RAM since 2013, Dodge died at the end of the 2012 model year.
Jan-09-2019 07:39 PM
Jan-09-2019 06:11 PM
Jan-09-2019 05:42 PM
Jan-09-2019 03:57 PM
Jan-09-2019 02:40 PM
Cummins12V98 wrote:dedmiston wrote:
I also always keep a couple jugs of DEF from Walmart in the bed of my truck. Their prices are hard to beat. I remove the spouts from the jugs and put those in the back seat of the cab, because they poop out in the sun.
It supposedly has a 6 mo shelf life
I never buy unless I’m getting low.
Jan-09-2019 02:13 PM
Jan-09-2019 01:56 PM
dedmiston wrote:
I also always keep a couple jugs of DEF from Walmart in the bed of my truck. Their prices are hard to beat. I remove the spouts from the jugs and put those in the back seat of the cab, because they poop out in the sun.