Hi there,
another Apex 8 owner here. I, too, have some delam problems that were present when the camper was delivered. The manufacturer was willing to help, but with me being halfway across the planet (Germany vs. Colorado), that is not a simple matter. Local shops will not touch that camper, so I am on my own. But I knew that when I ordered, so I am in a somewhat different situation.
If it is any consolation for you: my camper has been stored outside, and the delam has not worsened since day 1. It doesn't look nice, but there is no functional issue. For me, at least. There were other issues, but that is a long story and I will not hijack the thread.
Do you have pictures or a better description of your delamination issues? Have you taken it to the manufacturer already and their repair was no good?
Here are some pics of ours when we picked it up at the port in Hamburg:
https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/104581754261901190566/albums/5649697271345346881You can see dents in the cabover front, but the delam doesn't really show. The main problem zone is on the drivers side, lower right edge of the window.
BTW, my camper was built in early summer 2011.
Best regards,