This "blistering", "popping", "flaking" (and at least 29 other descriptive terminology) is happening to all manner of RVs (motorhomes; Class Cs; tow trailers; etc, etc) is not a specific problem that just one camper maker is having:, I don't have any "irons in the fire" against any camper maker; I just want to dig down (forensically) and get to "the truth"
(John 8:32) I have to add that our Outfitter Caribou 8 has been absolutely fantastic to us over its 9 years!
On edit: We don't owe it anything. The minor osmotic cratering we have is, well, minor, and very easy to repair. Our rotted-out 23 sq inches of under-wing is EASILY repairable (by me). I've gotta say that knowing what kind of catastrophes I've been seeing 1st hand and here on RVnet with other manufacturers' brand new units has me kissing our Caribou (and, thanking Buddha) every time we take it out. It hasn't broke in half, nor had devastating leaking that would render it a heap of rotted scrap.