Forum Discussion

ThreeToGo's avatar
Jan 30, 2014


Our 2006 fiberglass camper has some serious delamination in the nose cap. This started about a year and a half ago. It now looks like it has a very bad acne problem. Obviously, the camper is long out of warranty. The manufacturer is unable to repair it and suggested we take it to any "reputable service center". Has anybody else had experience with this problem? If so, please recommend a repair facility. Of course, we'd rather have it repaired locally but we are willing to drive some distance.
Incidentally, we have no idea as to the cause. I don't see anyplace where moisture could have gotten in from either the outside or inside of the camper.
We live in the Bay Area with some of the most ambient weather in the country. The camper has never been subjected to extreme heat or cold as we are fair weather campers. When not in use, the camper is stored under an ADCO cover. (We are on our second cover.)