First, check that gray and black tank drain valves are closed, then connect the water hose, then run all the taps, showers inside and out, toilets and hot and cold drain until no pink comes out. Shut them off, furthest away first. Allow the water to go into the grey and black tanks. Check the dump valves to be sure they are not leaking.
Check your water pump to see it is on tank and not on "fill with antifreeze".
Put some water in tank, and run things again until clear. Hopefully no antifreeze is in your fresh water tank. If it is then fill and dump about four times.
Only after you are sure you have all the pink out, check the hot water tank to see if the bottom plug is inserted. If it is, take it out and be sure there is nothing inside it. If you find pink inside it, likely you have another problem, a stuck check valve. If it's an anode, check the condition. Be sure the plug is replaces with some fresh pipe sealant.
Now you can take your hot water tank off bypass, open a hot water tap, and let the water either in the tank or from the hose fill the hot water tank until water runs out a hot tap.
I open one burner on the stove, and hold a burner fire stick until the gas arrives, then do all other burners. Then I check the fridge to be sure it works, and then the furnace.
You want to make sure your charger is working, your connection to the truck is working too, and your lights inside and road lights. To test for charging, look a an inside light, have someone start the truck. If it gets brighter, it's working. Same with plugging in to shore power.
that's about it.