Forum Discussion

Lacey999's avatar
Oct 11, 2021

Dicor self leveling lap sealant caused roof to ripple

I used Dicor SLLS on, what I believe is a TPO roof (white on both sides). Within a day of applying this, the roofing material rippled and lifted, even where it was applied on top of previous SLLS. I did this at the front end cap but still have the rear of the trailer that needs SLLS applied and want to avoid this happening.
What, if any, SLLS can I use that won't cause this? I panicked and removed the sealant thinking it was destroying the roof. I've since been told it will smooth out in time as it cures but that could take weeks given it being October in the Pac NW. I'm selling the trailer and this is not a good look.
  • Unobtanium wrote:
    It sounds like the OP used self leveling Dicor on an Alpha Systems Superflex PVC membrane roof, which requires a specific sealant made by Alpha systems.

    DITTO, I've had the same thing happen.
  • Dicor on the info sheets will tell you that Dicor sealant on a EDPM roof WILL cause some " buckling" etc as the sealant cures and usually will go away. Part of the reason is the sealant has hydrocarbon solvents (naptha etc) that Dicor says will cause this to happen. That is why the say to never use such solvents to clean the membrane. I suspect the solvent in the dicor is controlled and designed to not cause damage but to aid in adhesion.
  • I also had this happen on our last MH. Sealed up good, and smoothed out over time.
  • It sounds like the OP used self leveling Dicor on an Alpha Systems Superflex PVC membrane roof, which requires a specific sealant made by Alpha systems.
  • I had the same thing happen. There are 2 types of TPO roof and the newer one with a smooth surface on the underside will ripple with Dicor 500 series. You need to use the Ultra Dicor and solvent to clean with before applying. I used this and no problems. There is a You tube video on how to tell the difference in type of roof you have.
  • I’ve never heard of your issue. Was the temperature above Dicor’s minimum for application?
  • Since 2003 I have applied a fresh coat of Dicor liquid roof almost every year to my TT without any issues what so ever and no ripples. My roof is regular roof material and non TPO. Perhaps there is a special product for TPO?????