Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote:
hone eagle wrote:
Sulfer is not ,never has been a lubricant .
just sayin
:h that's funny because that's not what I have read. Google ULSD and older diesels. There are studies showing injectors and pump failures have more tripled since ULSD became the standard. Just like unleaded burned exhaust valves and seats in cars designed for leaded fuel. Sulfer does add lubricity to diesel fuel, if it didn't why has pump and injector wear increased in older diesels?
The process to remove the sulfur from diesel fuel also removed some of it's lubricating properties. Hone eagle is correct-sulfur is not a lubricant. As for injector/pump failures, the fleet I worked for did not see any of these issues on our older equipment when ULSD fuel was introduced. And we had a large variety of trucks, off-road equipment and locomotives. Not saying it didn't happen but I don't believe it was as big an issue as the internet reported. Could have been many different issues.
As for the unleaded gas thing, well that is a whole different issue. A lot of myth there too.