What is annoying here is that our province is awash in oil and we pay these high prices! Government taxes and corporate greed are responsible for that!
Not much corporate greed up here, Canadian oil producers get a lot less per bbl of oil, then what they get for WTI or Brent Sea Oil. As the oil produced in Alberta has a higher concentration of sulphur and is heavier (specific gravity) Alberta crude averages about 840kg/m3 where as WTI is much lighter and Brent Sea Oil even lighter. While oil may trade on the stock market $100/bbl. USD, Canadian producers may get $70 USD for the same bbl. Not all Canadian oil producers have their own refinery or fuel outlets. Blame the retailers and Gov. taxes on the price/liter or gallon. The Edmonton refineries are selling at retail a liter of gas at $0.78 Cdn the retailers at the pump are selling that same liter for $1.15 Cdn or more, $0.37 profit/liter!
As for our cousins to the south, allow Alberta to run a pipeline to Texas or the East coast. Number of refineries on the east coast are shut down due to the fact they are forced to buy Brent Sea oil at a ridiculous rate which reduces any profit hence the reason to be shut down. Once the pipeline and North Dakota shale oil starts flowing we will all see the benefits.