legolas, totally agree with you. I am one of the "dog police" and don't mind anyone knowing it. Coming back from our recent trip to CO a guy in a pick up flew past us, likely 75 - 80mph, with his dog in the back....totally unrestrained. @%%^&$*#^#%*#^#&$%@#^%@^&*, stupid! And honestly don't care what the norm is in some states, IMHO, no common sense.
Born and raised So CA and glad to be out of the zoo - sorry to offend, but it is - but that is one of the GOOD laws passed. We took our beloved Sam on every trip we could, UNLESS taking him would have meant he had to be left alone in the trailer or truck, or if we planned to be gone a lot. Now Foxy is trying to fill Sam's pawprints and she goes when we know she'll be safe. If there is any question, she stays home with her Uncle David. I have noticed many ads for pet restraint devices and do think that's something that needs more research by Foxy's mom and dad. We never leave the driveway without our seatbelts fastened and she should be as well protected....moving this to the top of my to-do list.
While I don't like the idea of the OP having the dog in the bed of the truck, if he has a good crate and it's securely fastened down, that is far better than just letting him ride unrestrained. Not my first choice, but not my decision. I do think the OP is looking for the safest means possible.