I do consider it advice to at least ponder. All of our lives involve risk assessment in many situations. Some of us will climb all the way to the top of that 28" extension ladder to clean out the gutters. Others of us don't want to get more than 2' off the ground. It never hurts to hear about others' experiences and to take into consideration those experiences for ourselves. Maybe we won't make any changes because our own personal risk assessment deems it a reasonable risk. Maybe we will decide to do a task differently next time. We each have to decide for ourselves.
But I will argue all day long that the guy doing 100+ down a 2-lane country road trying to escape a LEO has his risk assessment considerations way out of whack, both for himself and for others! People make really stupid decisions every day. It's the more common activities, such as that of the OP, that we need to evaluate for ourselves. I will step over the hitch next time. Hopefully, I won't be coming back here with a sheepish look on my face, my shoulder in a sling and stitches on my face. But there's always the risk that could happen.