Reminders about being safe are always warranted. DW stumbled over some shoes she left on the floor of our S&B bedroom yesterday. Now she has a badly sprained ankle and long recuperation ahead of her.
I spent some time as a safety engineer during my working years. All injuries are caused by some kind of unsafe act, and all unsafe acts offer potentially harmful consequences. Do you ever go down stairs without using the handrails? We all know potential consequences of that..! Next time you see a video of the President exiting Air Force One, notice the potential consequences of his actions. It will make you cringe!
Going down stairs doesn't have to be dangerous if done correctly. If one must step over the hitch and associated hardware, make sure you have both hands latched onto something solid to prevent a fall. So, with 3 points of contact you will minimize the chance of serious consequences. Pretty simple, really!
Be safe and have fun with those rigs....