Purchase an Edge Insight CTS and monitor the regens. Monitor soot loading and a red "R" is lit during regen (above the PWR letters). The Insight is only a monitor - not a programmer. I have to explain that to the techs when I have taken it in for warranty work.
During Passive regeneration with exhaust gas temperature elevated above 575 deg. F some regeneration occurs. These temperatures may be reached when the engine is under heavy load.
During Active regeneration the exhaust temperature increases to greater than 832 deg. F and the elevated temperatures converts the particulates into harmless gases and ash.
On the GMs - Ford will be similar:
Calculated Soot Mass Levels
44 grams–100% Soot Loading
1)Active regeneration commanded
54 grams –125% Soot Loading
1)Clean Filter lamp illuminates
2)Vehicle needs to be operated above 30 mph for 20 to 30 minutes . See label above visor.
70 grams –160% Soot Loading
1)P2463 Diagnostic Trouble Code(DTC)sets,
2)Reduced Engine Power,
3)Service Regeneration required
87 grams –200%Soot Loading
1)P244B DTC sets
2)Reduced engine power
3)Driving regeneration inhibited
4)Service Regeneration or DPF replacement required