The fact your camper batteries are fully charged implies the batteries are isolated. Either you have an isolator or the wire connecting the truck's 12v to the trailer harness was never connected, or the fuse protecting that lead isn't inserted. The truck's electronics are "supposed" to go into a sleep mode and draw minimal power shortly after shutdown. Sometimes this doesn't happen. Some things I've found on my truck, I have a BlueTooth reader for the ODBII port. If I leave that plugged in with the truck off it'll drain the batteries. My guess is its activity is preventing the truck's electronics from going into sleep mode. Some insurance companies have you plug a module into the ODBII port to monitor your driving, I wonder if that could cause similar issues, if you have one. Also, the dual 12v outlets on the dash are not switched. Anything you plug into there will continue drawing current with the ignition switch off. Is there perhaps anything plugged in there when you use the camper that isn't normally plugged in? GPS, backup camera, etc.