Studies have shown that with most vehicles using power steering, that limits feedback, a blowout on rear is most likely to cause loss of control. (Over correct for the little side to side force from rear)
Now, do we assume people that haul campers are more likely to check tires than the average driver? No bet. Under inflated or overloaded for the inflation is most likely to cause blowout. Now even if you do glance at the tire, will you notice 1 dual is low?
I have seen 1 of a dual run soft until it blows. That tire is replaced, pressure is set. But the problems are not over. The old tire might of been damaged from heat before blowout, or by the overload after, so short life. Then there is the issue of tread wear. If there is even a couple/32 difference in tread depth, the smaller will wear at a ever increasing rate, only last a few thousand miles.