My intention was not to reignite the SRW vs DRW debate as most of it comes down to preference. I was simply trying to get first- (and second-)hand accounts of SRW blowouts to help quantify (1) the overall likelihood of the occurrence of a rear wheel blowout and (2) the consequences of such an event in SRW vs DRW. Based on the comments so far, it would appear that the probability is quite low and the consequences may not be at catastrophic as one might think.
Anecdotally, I see an obscene number of overloaded SRW’s, hauling huge campers doing 75+ on Alaska’s terrible highways. I have never seen or heard about a catastrophic accident caused by a blowout. On the other hand, there are quite a few trailer blowout accidents that I have driven past or read about. Not sure who would have statistics (maybe insurance companies), but I would think first responders might have a better sense of how often blowout related accidents occur for TC’s.
All suspension components being equal, there is no doubt that DRW is more stable than SRW. For SRW with suspension mods, the gap narrows (IMO). For me, my SRW with suspension mods is great in cornering and fine in cross winds and on uneven roads. A DRW might be better, but the stability of my current rig is perfectly acceptable to me…and I am a weenie about these things.
specta wrote:
Such a pointless debate.
Dually are more stable than a SRW pickup.
You either want one or you don't.