There have been some great comments,but in the end those that are offended by the term entry level need a bit thicker skin.
Entry level itself is not an offensive term. Many seem to take offense to who is saying it vs. what they said.
If a guy in a 40' diesel pusher calls the rig a entry model some are offended however if a guy in a pop up refers to it as entry level no offense is taken.
Unfortunately we tend to bring our own baggage and stereotypes with us.
I was sitting around the fire with a bunch of DP owners who referred to me as the guy in the 5th wheel, I could have taken offense to the comment, however the person meant no harm and was merely describing my camper. It seems some are offended if their small camper is referred to as a small camper. Particularly if the person making the comment is in a large camper.
In the end entry level does not mean inferior,likewise everyone that drives a 40'diesel pusher is not evil and condescending.
Yes there are a few bad apples but RV'ers/campers tend to have a lot in common regardless of the size,quality and type of RV.
Otherwise we'd come to our senses save our money and stay in a hotel.
There must be a common defect that causes us to find enjoyment in the RV world.
There are cheaper,easier,simpler ways to find relaxation and escape the rat race. Other than bringing our makeshift houses with us.
Maybe we all just like buying as much gas/fuel as possible?