Forum Discussion

  • What's the gas prices in Bridgeport? I bet not good.

    It is what it is. We didn't so much need fuel as the opportunity to see a very similar truck and camper as ours in a very small town. We had come out of the local grocer and everything was priced accordingly. I probably paid 3 dollars for an out of area paper as the Vegas shootings had just occurred and we were anxious for news.
  • No, but our truck, camper and scooters big brothers...

    Turning into a parking lot at Sequoia NP, at the other end these folks were also coming in. We both kinda paused a moment...

    Once parked we chatted a while, they were from Florida on extended trip across America. Simular setups but but just larger.

  • This couple was heading up the Oregon coast from AZ and we were heading to the June Lake Area. The wives discussed options (they had deleted the fireplace for more storage) and we both were set up with the 30K Supertruss.
    We had spent the night at Bridgeport Lake and snow had just dusted the peaks in the background. Very pretty trip in October.
  • Was at a National Park in New Mexico last year as I pulled into the view area parking lot I saw another rig jyst like mine, same color, same Casita trailer. Pulled up behind his rig and took a pucture ,twins.
  • Pulled our Truck/Camper in Detroit Lake a couple years ago and this guy comes running up to us
    to say hi but when he got close enough he said sorry I thought you were somebody else.
    Later that weekend while walking around the campground I saw who he thought we were.
    They had same truck , same color and same camper as us except they were from WA instead
    of Oregon.
  • Pulled into a very small CG on a working ranch/orchard in out of the way spot.

    Next afternoon when we came back from exploring the local area our 5th wheel had been 'cloned'....parked right next to it was identical 5th wheel.
    Same year, same model and after talking with owners it had been purchased from same dealer and in the same month/year we had purchased.

    Like us they had just began FT travel.........
    We crossed paths at various places/states during the next 6 yrs.
  • I was shopping 2 identical fifth wheels that were 700 miles apart. I ended up parked in mine next to the one I didn't buy in a campground about 4 years later.