Forum Discussion

tyrannoman's avatar
Dec 05, 2013

F-350 Extended Cab Back Seat Swap

I have an odd question, but who better than to help me sort it out?

I have a 1995 F-350 extended cab that serves as our tow vehicle. The issue is, the back seats have no headrests, and as my girls get bigger I am really starting to worry about this. Not only do they occasionally bonk against the glass, if we're ever in an accident I really fear severe head injuries.

Does anyone out there know of a way to mount headrests on these seats? If not, is there a way to mount headrests on the back glass?

Thanks all in advance, I know this is an odd one.
  • I second the upholstery shop idea. The seat frame will need to be modified to accept the head rests.

    This is a major major issue for me with older trucks. I had the same issue with my 99 SuperDuty crew cab.

  • If needed to do so, might also might try posting your question at, which is a very good Ford Powerstoke diesel forum.

    There is a subsection on your specific model year series which might be helpful.

    Best of luck!