mich800 wrote:
??? Yes, that is how it works in the automotive world. Tires, shocks, engines, trans, etc. They are spec'd to the OEMs requirements. Would you say the "brand" tire spec'd to the OEM is not really a "brand" tire because it is not the exact same one you could buy at Tire Rack?
No, I would say "branded" just like Ford does. The Rancho shocks are "Rancho Branded" and not a brand. They have nothing whatsoever to do with Rancho shocks which is actually a really good "brand" of shock. They are Ford spec shocks painted Rancho colors for marketing reasons. Rancho themselves wants nothing to do with this particular product but take their royalty check and swallow hard. I think think this deal actually hurts Rancho as a brand because folks who don't know better that get the horrid Ford FX4 shocks think they are getting a Rancho product. Then, when the fail in short order, they swear off a brand that has nothing to do with the product that fails them...