mkirsch wrote:
What's the difference? Don't know. Ford won't tell anyone.
All we know is that it is rated for 7230lbs and the others are not.
What makes the AXLE unsuitable? Probably nothing. Most of these axles from their respective component manufacturers are rated to 10,000lbs gross.
However, as you well know, there is more than just an axle at play here. Springs. Frame. Tires. There may or may not be differences there. Don't know. Ford still isn't talking. All we know is that they're willing to extend the warranty for 7230 if you buy the 7230 axle.
Yes, I get your "Just shove a chunk of well casing between the axle and frame, and load 'er down, it's all good!" attitude. I'd agree with you if the OP was looking at anything besides a brand new truck. When you can get the truck from the factory built for the job, why would you buy a lesser truck and immediately start putting aftermarket load assistance devices on it?
You can figure out the difference. You just have to spend a little time figuring it out. You're correct though, it is not in the axle.
But they still offer srw trucks with 17" wheels and we all know you can't buy a normal 17" tire with more than a 3200lb load rating.
My attitude is exactly opposite of what you said though (although, I'll admit to doing similar things, maybe, more than once, lol).
It is one of education and my attempt to dispell the plethora of Rvnet myths and misnomers and old "I remember when" logic.
Cheers bud!