Cummins12V98 wrote:
"The new diesels are complex beasts that require crazy maintenance and are prone to pump, turbo, emissions etc."
Not sure what you mean by "crazy maintenance" ???
I change my oil and two fuel filters @ 15k. Air filter schedule is 20k, I just do mine at 15k also. Not sure that should be considered "crazy maintenance".
If you go onto any Facebook Powerstroke 6.7 group or to any powerstroke forum or look up many "reputable" powerstroke service people's videos - they all recommend oil changes every 5K miles and then all fuel filters every 10K miles. If you are not doing this yourself, it will cost you roughly $150 per oil change and $350 per both oil/fuel filters service. Then there is the recommendation to use a lubricating additive to keep the CP4 from exploding (with every full tank). Many people also drain/refill their coollant every 30-50K miles for good measure. It has become nuts out there on these recommendations. A lot of people are installing CP4 disaster prevention kits like the S&S or the SPE even when there is no proof they actually work. So on and so on.
Every time someone comes on to complain about something regarding any of these new diesels, they are always waved off as "improper maintenance". Should have done this more, should have done that more frequently. Don't use Rotella, use Amsoil, use hot-shot additive, the list goes on and on.
There are plenty of "testimonies" online of Ford denying warranties on the CP4 pumps, blaming contaminated fuel. Apparently Americans can't make a good high pressure fuel pump and they are using the German made Bosch - which is made for clean European diesel. Apparently here in the States we cannot guarantee that the ULSD will be clean, always.
Overall, the new diesels operate within very tight tolerances and are super touchy and sensitive with many more parts that fail, some of which fail spectacularly (like the CP4 pump which destroys the whole fuel system and can cost up to $12K to fix). I believe there are lawsuits out there right now concerning Ford and the pump ( If you think you are safe for not owning a Ford, the same pump is in every other new diesel, I think.
Or you could just get a gasser ;) - if you are towing infrequently or weights that are not excessive. None of the emission or HPFP drama, none of the turbo failing stuff, no super expensive oil/fuel filter changes, engine is simple, you can see the ground through the engine bay. I seriously feel pity for the mechanics who work on the 6.7Ls - how do you even get access to a lot of the stuff....?